Citation - Royal Gazette-Charleston: 1782.07.06

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Index Entry J, J, author of lyric [beg] Twas at th' imperial throne below 
Location Jamaica 
3-6 Jul 1782:22 (2/141)
[Tribute to the victory of 12th of April last]
[signed] J. J.
'Twas at th' imperial throne below, 
Where Neptune holds his state, 
With awful, but dejected brow.
Old England's Champion!
With grief oppress'd, by conquest sham'd.
He thus his suit preferr'd.
. . . [66 lines]

Generic Title Royal Gazette-Charleston 
Date 1782.07.06 
Publisher Wells, R 
City, State Charleston, SC 
Year 1782 
Bibliography B0043949
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